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Questa è proprio carina…

La notizia dell’ennesimo studio sul disastro climatico imminente purtroppo soggetto a ritiro da parte di chi lo ha pubblicato circola ormai dappertutto. Qui da noi sin qui l’abbiamo vista nei commenti., magari ne parleremo presto più diffusamente.

In breve sembra che lo studio contenesse una stima del riscaldamento per i prossimi anni che è il caso di dire non stava né in cielo né in terra, infatti una dimesione di riscaldamento di tale portata avrebbe bisogno di vedere l’attuale trend delle temperature moltiplicato per dieci.

L’attuale trend delle temperature è negativo, per cui moltiplicarlo per dieci ci porterebbe dritti in un’era glaciale.

Dal blog di Steven Goddard.

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  1. […] ha già parlato Nuvola qui. Quello che vi proponiamo oggi è proprio una rapida riflessione, in quanto non merita di ricevere […]

  2. Guido Botteri

    [ The AAAS says that after receiving complaints that the study’s conclusions were impossible, it has removed all references to the study from its website.
    “EurekAlert! deeply regrets the accidental posting of an erroneous news release on 18 January 2011,” the news service wrote in a notice to journalists who subscribe to the service.
    (…) These staff proofread submissions for typographical or common-sense errors.
    (…)The correction came after The Guardian newspaper in the U.K. published a reaction piece to the study. The paper said it had interviewed climate scientists who told them that rapid global warming at the rates projected by the study was impossible.
    “2.4 C by 2020 (which is 1.4C in the next 10 years – something like six to seven times the projected rate of warming) has no basis in fact,” NASA climatologist Gavin Schmidt told the newspaper in an email.
    According to The Guardian, the study’s lead author Liliana Hisas, who is the UEF’s executive director, erred by overlooking how the oceans, which absorb heat, will compensate for global warming by delaying the effects of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
    Hisas said she stands by her report’s findings, which have been endorsed by Nobel Prize-winning Argentine climate scientist, Osvaldo Canziani.
    She said the UEF did not intend to withdraw the report.
    “We are just going to go ahead with it. I don’t have a choice now,” she told The Guardian. ]
    Da quanto scritto sopra risulta, a mio parere, un inqualificabile comportamento dell’autrice, Liliana Hisas.
    Lo trovo altamente antiscientifico.

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